
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Mental disease and my friend’s prescription

Ubqari Magazine - March 2013

Naseer Ahmad; Abbot Abad

Out of all the elements of body there is an element called brain.  The creator of Universe GOD Almighty has given a treasure and it has been saved there. Due to this intellect, man touches the horizons of skies. I often callthe head the upper story from where all the lower levels hence lower stories and all the actions of the world are kept an eye upon. If on upperstory or upper floor (brain) the problem has happened then human being goes from highest floor to lowest level. Thesuperiority of human being over other animals is a great blessing.  And when this blessing is taken away or there is a defect in it, then human beings become worse than an animal. A lot of readers who must have seen that psycho individuals goforfighting,quarrelling,beating and actions like becoming naked. They are deprived of the meaning of the word significance and insult. Sometreatthemselves as crown-less king and are seen issuing orders about the working of the countries. Some become judges and order people to be put behind bars. Some miserable ones talk rubbish and lift stones and run with it. A lot of times there have been incidence where people witness of throwing stones at passer-by’s. Even though along with men, it is common among women as well. But comparably this disease has been seen less in women.

All the partsof the human body are a great blessing. If any part is deprived or malfunctioning, that worsens the life of a person. Then a beautiful human being becomes a victim of the problems in the brainthen he is known as retarded. Peopleget scared andsometimes hit him. Oneeye is known as one eyed and if he doesn’t have a leg the he is called by the name of limper. Godhas bestowed upon us properly functioningpartsof body. Just think for a moment if we don’t thank GOD Almightymerciful and if he would have deprived us of any part of body then in this society where we have a lot of respect here we would have heard insulting and depressing words. So why shouldn’t we thank our owner from the core of our heart.

God has givenus treatment for every disease. In allparts of the world various kind of skilled people are available for treatment. Some are allopathic, some are homeopathic,and someGerman and some are skilled in spiritual treatment. Getting treatment is way of our Prophet (PBUH) but completehealth is with GOD Almighty only. Doctors and quacks have been bestowed upon with different knowledge. Different spiritual leaders and elderlypeople have a No test on admitting in hospital or tension. One blow form their lips eradicate all the tensionwithinminutes. Human being gets rid of all big diseases in a few moments. For instance a procedure has been recommended for bite of snakes and scorpions by SohaibHashmi advocate Gujranwala; how simple and blessed procedure it is. After the biting of poisonous snake,a human being rarely lives. If this problem happens in a far away village or jungle then not only it is difficult to save a life but almost become impossible. By the time a person reaches a doctor the life line of the patient finishes. By printing this problem the advocate has blessed humanity. Brothers it is the end of time and day of judgement is very near and GOD has written very less time till the end of world. Don’t waste time and before this life finishes the creation of GOD which has been told by the Allah and by his follower it can be served then serve it the way it can be and get the closeness to GOD.

Any way we got drifted away , One of my friend s Hakim Muhammad Akbar khan sahib used to treat mental patients free of cost, he was kind of poor person but he was such a hospitable person that he never used to leave anyoption in looking after the guests .Other than that, whoever had the ability he also introduced him to his knowledge. It is very surprising that how and what wonderfulperson GOD created. Hakim Sahib used togive followingmedicine with whichpatientused to get better in a few days.

Small sandalwoodpowder and black pepper powder of equal weightmixed with water in weight of 2 2RATI tablets should be made and 1 or 2tablets should be given to patient three times a day. Patient will go to sleep and his mind will be relaxed, with that his illness will be eradicated. My advice is that joharshifaemadinaif used then along with mental, body diseases will also be gotten rid off. Along with treatment following instruction if done will give patient health. Following instruction should also be acted upon and if done then the patient will get well.

Patient shouldn’t wear coloured clothes and especially black colour. In the room white wash should be done. Blackcolour increases illnesses. Since Prophet PBUH wore white colour, it is a special source of health. * Look at patient; if he is healthy and has blood in excess then doctor or person with leeches should be used to get excess blood sucked out. Excess blood is also source of illness.* Patient should be kept happy and all negative thinking should be exposed. * Dry warm or warm dry things should totally not be given.Patient shouldn’t be told scary and terrifyingthoughtslooking after sick relatives should not be done by patient. Don’t take patient on incidences of accidents or death. * Keep in touch with GOD and arrange namaze tahajad.

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